By Azernews
By Sara Israfilbayova
President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on December 19 approving the “Procedure for issuing permits for advertising in the open space and exercising control in this area,” “State fee for obtaining permission to advertise in the open space,” and “The amount paid for the broadcast advertising in the open space.”
The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to submit proposals to the President within three months in connection with bringing the acts in compliance with this decree; to ensure within three months the bringing into conformity with this decree of normative legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers and inform the head of state; to keep under control the process of bringing in compliance with this decree regulatory legal acts of the central executive authorities and within five months to inform the President of Azerbaijan on the implementation.
In June, head of the state signed a decree on establishment of a State Advertising Agency.
Under the decree, which was inked in order to place advertising media in the open space in the territory of the country, control and unify regulation in the sphere of production and distribution of advertising intended for placement in the open space, a public legal entity "State Advertising Agency of Azerbaijan" was created.
Advertising agencies are usually classified according to two criteria - the volume of services provided and the direction of the business, in which they specialize.
There are so-called golden rules of advertising. Advertising should be brief, informationally rich, original, something different from the others and memorable, visual, scientifically based, show the distinctive features of the advertised and the last but not least-be just beautiful.