Vice-president of OJSC Marlen Asgarov "Azerenergy" Open Joint-Stock Company informs that the Astara module power station (MPS) will be put into operation till the end of the year.
Energy objects of the same kind are also constructed in Nakhchivan, Sheki, Khachmaz and Baku and highly-skilled engineers must be prepared for each of these objects. 100-110 specialists will be elected among the promising young personnel and sent to the respective courses, to pass necessary probations in the general headquarters situated in Finland of the Wartsila company being the leader in module electric power engineering, and then to Spain, to pass special trainings in the energy objects exploited in the profile of the module power stations built in Azerbaijan.
After returning to the homeland, each of them will be put in charge of some field and be engaged in preparation of new engineers.