As APA reports, the volume of the nominal capital of the OJSC located in Sabayil district is AZN 1838192, total number of issued shares 919096, number of shares for privileged sale 137864, nominal value per share AZN 2 manats.
The shares can be purchased by employees, who are working in the company and who have right to be employed in the company again, who worked more than 7 years in the privatized company and retired on pension as well as those dismissed form the company during staff reduction from January, 1995 and having unemployed status according to the legislation.
The State Committee also said that the orders for the privileged sale will be received by the privatization commission in the company from June 27 till July 18 and payments are by privatization cheques only. The commission will organize general meeting of to ratify the results of the privileged sale on 19 July. The documents of the sale are to be submitted to Auction Centre for Organization of Specialized Auctions.