qOut of the total volume of oil production 3 million 906.5 thousand tonnes were produced by the SOCAR (2.1% less), 10 million 570.7 thousand tonnes by the private sector (growth by 89.5%.).
Moreover, the stored crude oil as of 1 July, 2006, amounted to 375 thousand tonnes, of which 1.8 thousand tonnes were stored by the SOCAR and 373.2 thousand tonnes - by the private sector.
3 billion 359.4 million cubic metres of gas (growth by 29.5%) were produced in Azerbaijan in the same period, of which 1 billion 912.9 million (growth by 0.7%) were produced by the SOCAR and 1 billion 446.5 million cubic metres - by the private sector ventures (growth by 2.1 times.)