It is a 58 percent rise as against the first term, APA reports.
The CIS countries share 90 percent of the money transfer from Russia. Great part of this money comes from construction and trade sectors. Russian Central Bank reports half of the money was earned through illegal ways.
Immigrants in Russia remitted US $722mn in 2003, US $1, 292bn in 2004, US $2, 507bn in 2005. A great amount of money was remitted by Uzbeks and Ukrainians (US $210mn for each person). Tajiks remitted US $187mn, Armenians US $129mn, Moldavians US $115mn, Kyrgyzs US $102mn, Azerbaijanis US $94mn, Georgians US $ 81mn and Kazakhs US $22mn.
China takes the first place in remittance among the Far East countries. Chinese working in Russia remitted US $49mn to their country.
The sum remitted by Georgians and Moldavians work out at 20 and 30 percent of state budget. The money remitted by Tajiks is equal to two years' state budget.