Total volume of USD sales transactions made up AZN 339.461mn or $383.206mn. The deals on EUR tools equaled AZN 7 956.2. The total amount of deals made in August is as 3.04 times much as last month.
As APA reports, the total amount of currency swaps carried out in January-August, constituted AZN 849.723mn in manat equivalent and this figure is a 94.31% rise on the same period in last year.
During August AZN strengthened by 0.68% against USD- rose to AZN 0.8809/USD from AZN 0.8969/USD. The weighted average exchange rate of AZN against USD equaled AZN 0.8958/USD in August. It was AZN 0.8906/USD in July.
The exchange rate of AZN increased USD by 4.82% during past a year.
5 leading banks actively participating in the auctions were rated.
They are International Bank of Azerbaijan (48.31%), Bank Standard CJSC (25.23), Khalgbank OJSC (5.41%), Technikabank OJSC (5.09%) and Unibank OJSC (2.62%).