By AzerNewsMurabba in Azerbaijani refers to sweets made by boiling of berries, fruits, nuts, some vegetables and flowers. There are different kinds of murabba in Azerbaijan which provide us with enough material to put together a book on it.
In France, the delicious sweet is called confiture. In UK, fruits and berries are processed into jams, in the Middle East it is available with the taste of figs and in Ukraine, people always cook powidla.
Murabba is the main dessert at Azerbaijan's table, which is served at every tea party.
Each of them has its own irresistible taste. Trying it once, you would like to come back to this taste again.
Just imagine this scene: It is cold outside the window, a fluffy snow has covered the ground but your kitchen is warm and cozy. The happily whistling kettle is inviting you for tea, and the sweets appear on the table: sweet cake, rosy bun, appetizing biscuits, and of course, flavored murabba. Nothing can take the place of this wonderful jam for Azerbaijanis.
Murabba goes very well with bread and Azerbaijanis enjoy it with tea at breakfast time. It is also used as a filling for pies, added to cakes and pastries.
Besides all these, murabba is used for treating colds. Such kinds of murabba as dogwood, blackberries, currants, rich with vitamin C in the Azerbaijani houses usually serve as the first aid during the flu.
Now, for the second time, Murabba Festival will be held in Gabala on August 24.
The co-organizers of the event are the Culture and Tourism Ministry of Azerbaijan, Gabala Region Executive Power, the National Cuisine Center and the National Cuisine Association of Azerbaijan.
As many as 20 regions of Azerbaijan will take part at this delicious festival, held in two nominations, where each region will have a chance to put on display eight kinds of murabba.
The winners of the flavorful murabba will be awarded with several diplomas, medals and money prizes.
In addition, as part of the festival an exhibition of murabba, specific for each region will be organized.