While Australians compare the merits of Labor's fibre-to-the-home national broadband network with the Coalition's fibre-to-the-node proposal, Sony has installed the world's fastest home internet connection in Japan.
So-net Entertainment, a Sony-backed Japanese ISP, has launched a fibre-based internet service that reaches download speeds of 2 gigabit per second (Gbps), making it more than 20 times faster than the offerings of both Labor and the Coalition in Australia.
The Nuro, as the service is called, is available to homes and small businesses in Tokyo and six surrounding prefectures, Computerworld reports.
The upload speed is a little slower than download at 1 Gbps, but it's still faster than most of us get anywhere else in the world.
By comparison, the ultra-fast Google Fibre broadband internet service offers a "mere" 1 Gbps download speed – which is still some 100 times faster than today's average home internet connection – in Austin, Texas and Kansas City, Missouri in the US.
Nuro costs 4980 Yen ($A50) on a two-year contract, plus a 52,500 ($524) installation fee.
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