Finnish tech company Nokia took aim at Apple’s iPad Air in a new commercial that touted the advantages of its recently released Lumia 2520 tablet. The Lumia 2520 became available in the United States on Friday and sells for $399.99 with a two-year contract with AT&T and Verizon.
As seen in the video below, the commercial features a young man showing off his recently purchased iPad Air that is light and “thinner than a pencil.” However, the iPad owner soon discovers the many supposed drawbacks of Apple’s flagship tablet.
“I wish this thing had a keyboard. I’m about as productive as a cat wearing mittens right now,” the iPad user says before switching to a laptop. After struggling to use the iPad for productivity, the Apple user attempts to watch a video on the iPad Air only to have the battery run out of power.
The commercial concludes with a friend demonstrating her Lumia 2520 that features a smart keyboard, a fast-charging battery, and built-in Microsoft Office. “Did I buy the wrong tablet?” the iPad owner asks.