The village of Sandu’ao is a humongous floating village where residents need not ever set foot on land. Everything floats in Sandu’ao, including convenience stores, restaurants, homes, and even the one lone police station.
Located in China’s Fujian Province, the village Sandu’ao was once devastated by an onslaught of Japanese bombers. After many years of reconstruction, it has risen through the trenches and become “the largest aqua cultivation base of yellow croakers and seafood in China.”
It’s now a floating village full of wood houses that lie on bamboo/wood pontoons that themselves are anchored with plastic barrels. It’s literally a self-sustaining settlement chockfull of fishermen and ocean farmers—not to mention some of the best seafood in China. It has in fact become a major source of seafood for the entire country of China.
There are over 80,000 cages and fishing nets around the “plantation on sea,” as it’s also known. Everything is cultivated, from shellfish to shrimp, prawn, lobsters, and even seaweed. During the day the whole village is full of activity, as farmers work throughout the entire day to gather seafood. At night is when things quiet down, bright lights pour through the houses, and there is celebration.
/Weird Asia News/