This year till February 1, 4852 Azerbaijan citizens were registered as the ones missing in the zone of conflict.

The information is given to APA from the Sate Commission for the Missing People and Hostages (SCMPH). It's stated from the commission that, 54 of people missing in the zone of conflict are kids, 320 women, and 410 old people. In 1988-2005 1368 Azerbaijan citizens were freed from Armenian captivity.
Irrefutable facts show that, at least 783 of missing Azerbaijan citizens were captured by Armenians. But these facts were hidden from international organizations as well as International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) the list of those people is prepared on the bases of Azerbaijanis freed from Armenian captivity and witness explanations of other sources.
International work group consisting of right protectors of Germany, Russia and Georgia over freeing captives and hostages, search of missing people together with ICRC really approve the facts hidden within the fates of hostages and missing people. Information entering to Azerbaijan side shows that, majority of the people in the list died either killed in Armenian captivity or died because of diseases and torture. The rest of the hostages and captures are still used as slaves in Armenia and occupied territories.