Azerbaijan and Romania are European countries, they share European values, the both state integrate to Europe and Euro Atlantic structures.

It is true that, our countries are in different levels of the integration process, but late or early Azerbaijan will be admitted to European family. Romania supports Azerbaijan in that direction and looks forward to the completion of this process."
These were told by Nikolae Urike-Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador of Romania in our country his exclusive interview to APA.
The ambassador said of Upper Garabagh problem to be very serious problem which harms stability and security in Azerbaijan and the whole region. "This is at the same time painful problem that European countries and international countries worry about. Position of Romania concerning the Upper Garabagh conflict found its reflection officially in the declaration signed by Presidents of Romania and Azerbaijan in Bucharest. The conflict should be resolved on condition that all rights of Azerbaijan should be reserved specially in the frame of sovereignty and territorial integrity.
We consider that, the discussions held in the UNO, adopting of special document concerning the conflict by PACE are positive process." Nikolae Urike considers the reproaching the genocide of Khojali important. "The tragedy of Khojali of course is a great tragedy, such crimes are always reproached. Murder of innocent people can in no way be approved. It is a pity that, I have no information whether this matter will be discussed in the Parliament of Romania. I am sure that, if this matter is put into discussion, the Parliament members are sure to reproach this crime. I am certain that, ambassador of Azerbaijan in Romania takes necessary measures in that direction."
The ambassador said of Azerbaijan-Romania relations to be in high level enough. "Trade turn-over between Azerbaijan and Romania was 18 million dollars in 2003; this indication was 17 million dollars last year. Our states cooperate in military sphere too, and this covers the cooperation in the frame of bilateral relations and NATO programs. Romanian literary men's works are issued in Azerbaijan. But frankly speaking, I am not satisfied with the level of cultural relations. Culture and literature are important from the point of view for two nations to know one another closely. Nikolae Urike said that, the last parliamentary elections didn't impact foreign policy of Romania.
There were through changes in the Parliament of Romania. But these changes didn't impact the foreign policy of the country. The inter-parliamentary relations are in passive level now, Romania-Azerbaijan friendship group will be established after new Parliament is formed in Azerbaijan in the end of the year and these relations will be more strong beginning from the next year. Our deputies are cooperating well in the frame of PACE and other international organizations."
The ambassador noted that, his country will take part in GUUAM only by observer status." Strategic purpose of Romania is to be the member of European Union, today all political course of the country is directed to this. The most optimal position for our country is to be admitted by GUUAM like observer, there is no such status in this structure." Nikolae Urike also expressed opinion to the offer of integrating oil of Azerbaijan to the market of Europe by ports of Romania."
The use of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline will have successful results for international unity. It is a pity that, the implementation of this project has no direct impact to Romania. For exporting oil to Romania by means of BTC tankers should be filled in Ceyhan and pass from Bosporus and Dardanelle Straits. Position of Turkey concerning carrying oil is clear. Oil of Baku is exported through Batumi and other ports at the moment. Romania bought oil in the cost of 161 million dollars through this pipeline in 2004."/APA/