USA State Department spread a report reflecting "International strategy for the control over the circulation of narcotic means".

In the report the USA announced its attempts within preventing the circulation of narcotic means in the territory of the country, financial crimes, "laundering of dirty money". In the document, articles closed with Azerbaijan also take place.
In the report it is stated that, in 2001-2004, 10157 crimes belonging to drug-traffic were registered. During that period more than 1.5 tons of narcotic means were destroyed. Cooperation between Azerbaijan and USA in this field is appreciated. It's stated that, in the future USA will increase the aid to Azerbaijan for improving crime registration system, trainings and exchange programs of law enforcement bodies, improving court laboratories.
In the report it is stated that our country is situated in the position where narcotic drugs are transported to West Europe from Afghanistan, to Russia from Iran, the possibility of using air-lines between Kabul and Baku as a means of circulation is stressed.
It's stated that, in Azerbaijan the use of narcotic means is low. Besides it, officially 16800 people are stated to be treated from that disease. In the report it is stressed that, Azerbaijan government began to hold special measures in order to prevent youths from taking drugs. State department considers that the greatest problem our country faces is dissatisfying level of trainings and supply of borderline forces struggling against the transit of narcotic means. /APA/