At the result of operational-searching measures conducted by Ministry of National Security (MNS), specially trained criminal group attempting to cause propaganda activity and commit several terror acts in the republic.

According to the information received by APA from press service of MNS, the members of criminal group residents of Baku city Amiraslan Iskenderov (1976), Alirza Babayev (1965), Zaur Aliyev (1984), Abdullah Mahammmadov (1986) were arrested on the fact of preparation to terrorism by a group of persons joined before, Rizvan Abdulgadirov and resident of Sumgayit Hidayet Piriyev (1971) on the fact of getting fire-arm, military munitions, explosives illegally. It was defined that, the head of the criminal group Amiraslan Iskenderov took part in military conflicts in the lines of "Al-Gaeda" terror organization in Afghanistan in different periods in 1999-2003, learned the skills of making explosives, and using them, ways of making war-gases for killing the population massively. He involved in disorder activity after returning to Azerbaijan relevantly to the information he got, planned to hold terror actions.
He propagated the representatives of minority nations, especially youths, organizing them, attempting to form structure called "Jamaat" to be headed by him, to express hostility and hate to Azerbaijan its constitutional state organization. Amiraslan Iskenderov had criminal relation with Alirza Babayev , Zaur Aliyev and Abdullah Mahammadov done preparation work to set off explosion in different places of the capital as well as in crowded places , in places where foreign citizens live and work in a compact form, ministries, in strategically and other kinds of objects of life importance.
They got the components of explosives, schemes of electron parts, radio details, as well as different explosives on this purpose. Besides it, Amiraslan Iskenderov attempted actively in defining girls having extremist intentions, radical religious opinions in Baku and use them in exploding different objects like "martyr kamikazes". He even managed to make some girls agree and ordered them to wait his concrete task. He also got recipes for making war-gases to kill the population massively. Members of the criminal group prepared warning letters to political administration of the country on the purpose of withdrawing Azerbaijan from the world and democratic statehood, and anti-terror policy course with threatening of setting off explosions in Baku by the name of "Al-Gaeda Caucasus" organization.
As a result of searches held over the criminal case great amount of trotyl saber, grenades, detonators, other explosive materials and ammunitions, military equipments, literature propagating terrorism and jihad, even audio, video cassettes, goods forbidden by law considered to be used in the realization of terror-propaganda actions were found out. Investigation works are over and it has been presented to court watch.
By February 7, 2005 verdict of the Court on Grave Crimes Amiraslan Iskenderov and Alirza Babayev were sentenced by 28,214.2.1 items (getting, keeping and carrying explosive materials and ammunition illegally) of Criminal Code (CC) for 14 years each, Mahammadov Abdulla and Zaur Aliyev by 228.2.1 items for 5 years, Rizvan Abdulgadirov by 228.1 item of CC for 3 years.
It must be mentioned that, APA gave the coverage of court process under the name court process of the ones in common with "Al-Gaeda" members.