"Until Azerbaijan lands are under Armenian occu?ation, Azerbaijan will not make any ?eace with this state".

As Agency Trend re?orts, Defense Minister Safar Abiyev stated during his meeting with commander of National Guard of Oklahoma State Harry White.
"I indicate regretfully, Minsk grou? of OSCE, dealing with settlement of this conflict, hasn't achieved any ?ositive result hitherto. Significant quantity of wea?ons and ammunition is accumulated at occu?ied territories of Azerbaijan, it is of great menace for main ex?ort oil ?i?eline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, which is to start its activity in the nearest future. We ex?ect much from of American grou? in issue of settlement of this conflict", - S.Abiyev said.
G.White said, "new ?eriod is to o?en for us new ?ossibilities, Azerbaijan is to turn into leading state in the Southern Caucasus". He ex?ressed readiness of Oklahoma State to share ex?erience in the area of defense.
S.Abiyev indicated, main interests of Azerbaijan and USA coincide, and after liberation of lands, occu?ied by aggressive Armenia, Azerbaijan is to develo? more swiftly and it will be the leading state in the Southern Caucasus.