"The main fight at forthcoming ?arliament elections in November will ?roceed between three leading o??osition ?arties and government".

Agency Trend re?orts, this o?inion was ex?ressed 18 March at international ?ress-center, where signing of agreement about creation of coalition between the Party of Peo?le's Front of Azerbaijan (reformers), Party "Musavat" and Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (DPA) was held.
Agreement about ?artici?ation at ?arliament elections by general block was signed by the chairman PPFA (r) Ali Kerimli, the head of Musavat Isa Gambar and executing duties of general secretary of DPA Akif Shakhbazov. After the ?rocedure of signature the leaders of o??osition during their talk with re?resentatives of mass media stated, this agreement was achieved as a result of long discussions between ?arties. Afterwards it was declared, coalition is o?en for all o??osition ?arties, ?ublic unions and intelligence, wishing change of ruling regime.
It is su??osed, in the first stage individual candidates will be elected se?arately from three ?arties. Next stage envisages joining of names of ?arty candidates into common list and their ?publications in s?ecific electoral districts, where they would have more chances for success. At the point of elections to legislative body of the state, ?arties entering coalition.