Independent on consent of mayoral, the meeting of journalists is to be held 9 April. The Agency Trend reports, the chairman of Confederation of journalists of Azerbaijan Azar Hasret informed about this.

He said, in connection with this, preparation works started. Demands on status of press in the state and quickest finding of killers of editor-in-chief of magazine "Monitor" Elmar Huseynov are to be proclaimed at the meeting. "The decision on running of meeting connected with murder of E.Mamedov was adopted in the beginning of March. But with aim not to hinder to investigation we decided to give chance for government. Though sufficient time has passed, but hitherto killers have not been found" A.Hasret said.
He said mayoral was informed; meeting is to be held in front of Azerbaijan national academy of sciences (ANAS). "We chose this place, because the farewell ceremony with E. Huseynov was held in the building of academy. We consider mayor will not find any excuse, as this place does not create difficulties neither for relaxation of population nor for traffic" A. Hasret said.