There is nothing reprehensible in acquaintance of the US Ambassador with a social and political life of regions of the country.

This statement was made by deputy Azeri Parliament
Asim Mollazade, making comments to Trend on recent visits of US Ambassador Rino Harnish to regions of Azerbaijan.
In its opinion, it is incorrect to attach some other meaning and aims to these trips; it is a one of forms of diplomatic activity accepted in the democratic countries. The deputy disagrees with the opinion widespread in press, that the ambassador studies "a revolutionary situation" in regions of Azerbaijan. In his opinion, carrying out of meetings with representatives of leading opposition parties in regions pursues the purposes of acquaintance with a pre-electoral situation.
It should be noted, that US Ambassador held meetings with the public of Mingechevir,
Aghdam, Terter, Jalilabad and other regions; he met with representatives of political parties, NGOs, municipalities and got acquainted with an efficiency of assistance of the USA to development of democracy, civil society and economy in Azerbaijan.
Yesterday two progovernmental deputies: the executive secretary of "Yeni Azerbaijan" party
Ali Ahmedov and chairman of "Ana Vatan" party
Fazail Agamali expressed dissatisfaction with trips of US Ambassador to regions of Azerbajan.
Related news:Azeri Deputies vs. US Ambassador Reno Harnish