Proposals put forward by the opposition parties to the Elections Code, will be discussed in the parliament within a month, MP Zahid Oruj, the deputy chairman of Ana Veten Party.

According to Oruj, the issues should be discussed within 6 months of the commencement of elections and definite resolutions on them will be taken.
Oruj said the Elections Code is a normal document providing for holding fair elections. MP regarded a principle of parity offered by the opposition as wrong. "The opposition is eager to recognize the results of the elections as unfair rather to get represented in the elections commissions," he noted.
Oruj thinks the changes in the elections legislation fully meets our interests might result in election crisis. Even the international organizations take it into consideration and the changes proposed concern the technical issues. (Trend)
According to Oruj, taking into consideration the real situation not all demands by opposition will be satisfied. The optimal variant is the formation of an environment providing for normal rivalry in the elections.