The official has given interpretation for US Ambassadors statement.

"The recent discussions held by the representatives from opposition makes it clear that a statement by Reno Harnish, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, on the obligations to be undertaken by the sides on the eve of the parliamentary elections were misunderstood in the opposition camp, Ali Hassanov, the head of the Public and Political Department of the President's Executive Power, told journalists.
Hassanov noted that Azerbaijan is a state based on the rule of law and the constitution of the country implies the rights and obligations of the authorities, organizations involved in politics, as well as ordinary citizens.
"As a rule, any elections raise public resistance in Azerbaijan. Those who lost elections turn our unwilling to reconcile with their failure. In his statement on obligations Harnish spoke merely about it. The US President's proposal was directed at reconciliation between the opposition and authorities, constructive dialogue and cooperation," Aliyev underlined. (Trend)
Last week Harnish proposed in the local press that the authorities ought to undertake an obligation of holding democratic and transparent, while the opposition - not violate the public order during the elections. The Ambassador proposed his mediation in this issue.