The United States do not have necessity assisting Azerbaijan in ensuring the security of the Baku- Tbilisi-Ceyhan (???) main export oil pipeline and other regional projects.

"The countries which host the pipelines are responsible for security of oil platforms and pipelines, Reno Harnish, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, told journalists.
This is a principle standpoint of the United States, while the Azerbaijani government can undertake a final resolution on use of forces with regard to ensure security. "Azerbaijan has done good work in ensuring the security of pipelines running via its territory," Harnish underlined.
The same time the diplomat noted the necessity of measures directed at security of the offshore fields.
The US Ambassador also appreciated the steps taken for coordination of the c cooperation between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey for security of regional pipelines.
"A perfect security system could be built in this case," he underlined.