Representative of OSCE on the freedom of Mass Media Miklos Harashti as a result of the meetings held with the state officials and Mass Media representatives in Baku classified the problems existing in Azerbaijan in the field of Mass Media in 5 groups.

He stated about it in press conference held today. According to the expert, problems of electronic means, problems of printing press, punishment of journalists, violence against journalists, problems within the situation closed with the murder of Elmar Huseynov are present in Azerbaijan media. Miklos Harashti considers that, law adopted in 2002 for regulating the activity of televisions is not working.
Basing on the director of Social-Political department of the President's Office Ali Hasanov, he stated that, till the elections to be held in fall no new TV except the Public TV will be established. Harashti considers the opening date of Public TV in June to be very late from the aspect of the preparation to the elections. OSCE chairman denounced the 51% of stocks to belong to the state and noted that it didn't meet European standards. "In this condition free word will not find its place. PTV must not depend on the state. Lots of things will depend on the director to be elected". European guests touching the problems of media stated that differences are present in the documents presented to him. "There's not exact number, it's not known how many journalists write objectively and how many serve to parties. But the good point is that, specialist journalists are growing up".
Miklos Harashti called the restoration of the sales of opposition newspapers in metro to be a good case, and stated his hope that the prohibition put to "Gaya" company for the sale of such kind of publications will be abolished.
Harashti stated the punishment of journalists to be bad case and noted that a journalist must have not criminal but civil responsibility. "I appreciate the release of the ones arrested because of October 16 incidents, but force was used against 44 journalists during the incidents, but the policemen using force against the representatives of media did not even get the punishments of internal discipline".
Miklos Harashti stated that he will visit the grave of the murdered editor in chief of "Monitor" magazine Elmar Huseynov. "The reveal of this crime is necessary not only for the justice but also for the security of journalists".
It must be mentioned that, Miklos Harashti will prepare a report about the results of his visit to Baku and present it to Permanent Council of OSCE.