Armenian terror groupings murdered 523.955 Turks in Anatolia 1910-1922 Director of State Archives of Republic of Turkey Yusif Sarinay said of this figure to have been proved with official documents collected from the most different sources: "All speak about 1915, however the problem doesn't start from this date, 1915 is the result."

Yusif Sarinay stated that the foreign countries used the Armenian factor as a means against the Ottoman Empire, and Ottoman state showed patience till 1915.
"The decision of moving Armenians from these territories wasn't made on the purpose of preventing this nation's preparation to the rebellion or their partnership with enemy states. This decision was made to prevent the already started rebellion, to move the nation that cooperates with enemy states. Armenians murdered hundred thousands of Turks in Anatolia.
The French, the English and Russians promised Armenians to establish a state in these territories together however, the number of Armenians in the imaginary state was many times less than the number of the Turks and that was why Armenian began committing genocide against Turks. Armenians perpetrated genocide against Turks systematically, destroyed the whole villages."
Yusif Sarinay said that the official documents prove the Turkish genocide committed by Armenians.
He stressed that most of the documents proving the murder of more than 500.000 Turks in 1910-1922 are kept in the archives of foreign states.