In the first part of today's meeting of the Parliament the presentation of the president within appointing Zakir Garalov to the post of prosecutor general was discussed.

Prosecutor general making a speech in the meeting expressed his gratitude to state leader for the presentation appointing him to this duty. Z.Garalov evaluated this confidence of the president as the grade given to five-year activity of prosecutor organs and stated that he understood the responsibility of it. Z.Garalov gave information about the exposed criminal cases as a result of efforts of prosecutor organs.
Deputy Alimammad Nuriyev making a speech during the discussions stated that the appointment of Zakir Garalov to this duty needs to be discussed. According to him, Z.Garalov couldn't fulfill his duties as a prosecutor general last year: "What juridical works were done by Zakir Garalov after the appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs within the band of Haji Mammadov? He has the right to have control on the execution of laws, but he did not use it. I think he is not less guilty in the criminal events that happened that's why there is a need to look into the appointment within the prosecutor general once again".
The speech of A.Nuriyev irritated the parliamentarian Ismayil Omarov. He demanded the discussions to be stopped and the matter to be put for vote: "Nobody should be conductor here. Put the matter for vote! Murtuz
muellim, (teacher- as a sign of respect) ask them to be silent!"
After that, the speaker stopped the discussions and the appointment of Z.Garalov as a prosecutor general for the next term was approved.
Then draft law "About family agriculture" was put for discussion in the second reading and was adopted.