The president Ilham Aliyev presented the offers envelope on the changes to the Election Code to discussion of Milli Majlis.

43 clauses on adding new articles to the Election Code and the changes to the existing articles were reflected in the bill. 4 new clauses on results of voting and the elections, returns and general returns of the elections were added to the first article of EC. The clause on impossibility of holding the parliamentary, presidential and municipal elections on the same day was reflected in the change made to the second article of the Election Code.
The president also offered to make changes to the general rules of organization of activity of the election commissions. The changes consider informing more comprehensively the members of the commission about the meetings to be held and to realize staff division among the commission members. Besides, the offered change determines more precisely the status of the members of the election commissions. The technical amendments on organization activity of the Constituency Election Commissions (CEC) were also reflected in the bill.
According to the amendments, the orders of CEC are accepted in the result of voting in favor of these orders of at least 6 members when 9 members participate in the meeting of the commission, and in the result of voting in favour of these orders of at least 5 members when 8 or 7 members participate in the meeting, and in the result of voting in favour of these orders of at least 4 members when 6 members participate in the meeting. Besides, the president offered to print the order accepted by CEC’s during 24 hours. Changes to the 40th article called “Publicity in activity of the election commissions” were also offered in the bill.
According to the changes, the observers are given right to get acquainted with the protocol of the election commission on general returns of the elections and other documents. It is informed in the change made to the 41st article of the Election Code called “The principles of holding observation” that “The observations can be started since the elections (referendum) are announced and the day of official printing of the returns (general returns) of the elections (referendum) ends after all questionable trials related to the elections (referendum) are reviewed in courts”. The question of composing the voters’ lists also was explained in the bill. It is shown in the offered variant that the voters’ lists are placed in the according internet site of the Central Election Commission (Constituency Election Commission) according to the rules determined by CEC. The addresses of the voters must not be shown in this case.
The president Ilham Aliyev also offered the changes to the 60th – “Registering the candidate”, 74th – “Holding pre-elections (pre-referendum) agitation”, 88th – “Not allowing abusing cases when holding pre-elections agitation” articles of the Election Code. The changes were made to the structure of the voting protocols of the election commissions in the bill presented to discussion of the parliament. So, it is offered to exclude “the number of the envelopes for placing the ballot papers given to the voters on the day of voting” and “the number of the ballot papers given to the voters on the day of voting” sections from the protocol. The president offered to add the words “The person giving the ballot paper to the voter attaches a special seal (stamp) reflecting the date of the voting day to the voters’ card” to the 104th (“Voting rules”) and 105th (“Voting in outside of the voting room”) articles of the Election Code. The chairman of PEC (Precinct Election Commission) and the observers together with the 2 representatives from the different political parties will accompany taking of the protocol of PEC to CEC (Constituency Election Commission) according to the change made to the rules of counting the votes in the polling station. The period of placing the primary results of the elections in the official site of CEC was reduced from 5 days to 2 days. Besides, the primary results of the elections on Constituency on the voting results on the polling stations must be printed in the generalizing table by the Central Election Commission not in the period of 2 days starting since the voting day, but no being later than 24 hours. The clause “The Central Elections Commission must accept the well-grounded order on every complaint. If a criminal action is considered when investigating the complaint, the procurator’s office organs are informed about it. According procurator’s office organ must review that information in 3 days” was added in the 112th article considering complaining about actions (inactions) and orders violating the voting right of the citizens. According to the change made to the article, the order on the complaint entered the election commission during the elections must be accepted in 3 days, on the voting day or the next day immediately, and is delivered to the plaintiff”.
The vast majority of the changes to the Election Code offered by the president is related to organizing the election funds. According to the changes, the words “minimum wages” were replaced with the words “conditional financial unit” in the 128th, 156th, 191st, 192nd, 225th articles. It is considered to increase 5 times the volume of the election funds, different financial funds, including the financial funds on the agitation groups on the referendum, the election funds of the candidates, registered candidates, political parties, and blocs of the political parties during the elections to Milli Majlis, the election funds of the candidates to presidency, political parties, blocs of the political parties, and the election funds of the candidates to the membership of the municipality.
One part of the changes to the Election Code offered by the president includes the rules of considering unreliable the returns of the referendums, elections on one-mandate constituency, presidential elections, and the local elections. According to the change offered to be made to the 139th article, the returns of the referendum can be considered unreliable in that case when the results of voting are considered unreliable in more than 2/5 part of the polling stations or are abolished. Under one condition that the number of the voters registered in those polling stations forms majority than 1/4 of the general number of the voters registered on the constituency. It is shown in the change made to the 204th article that the results of the presidential elections are considered unreliable when the results of voting are considered unreliable in majority than 2/5 part of the polling stations. Under one condition that the number of the voters registered in those polling stations forms majority than 1/4 of the general number of the voters registered on the constituency.
According to the bill the analogical changes will be applied on the one-mandate constituencies and for considering unreliable the results of voting in the local elections. The changes to the rules about compulsion of returning back the expended part of budget means by the candidates, registered candidates, political parties, the blocs of the political parties during the elections to Milli Majlis, and the candidates to presidency, registered candidates to presidency during the presidential elections also were made.
Besides, the president Ilham Aliyev also made change to the 203rd article on “Determining the results of the presidential elections”. The period defined for CEC for totaling the presidential elections was reduced from 14 days to 10 days starting from the voting day in these changes. Milli Majlis will begin to discuss the changes to the Election Code offered by the president Ilham Aliyev since tomorrow.