Foreign Ministry made statement denouncing the fake “parliamentary elections” in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
According to the statement received by APA from the press service of Foreign Ministry that Azerbaijani side evaluated these separatist actions for several times legally and announces again that such policy will not lead to successful perspective.” Holding fake “elections” in the territories under occupation and in which the policy of ethnic cleaning is pursued contradicts the international juridical norms and the principles of Azerbaijan Constitution and has no legal force. Such steps taken by Armenian side does not coincide with the spirit of the recent positive talk’s process. Permanent peace can not be mentioned until the principles of cooperation and peaceful living condition are not established between Azerbaijani and Armenian communities in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Republic.
Therefore, Azerbaijan supports the calls of the international unity on establishing direct relations for forming confidence and respect between the communities.
The dialogue between the communities will provide opportunity for establishing normal relations between the Armenians living in Karabakh and Azerbaijanis who had to leave their own homes, involving the all layers of the population of the region into the legal, peace and democracy process as well as the process of forming legitimate structures”.