The NIPA leader Etibar Mammadov who participated in the meeting of the International Democrat Union in the United States of America held a press-conference in the headquarters of the “Yeni siyaset” bloc today in connection with the results of his visit.

E.Mammadov informed that the reason of holding the meeting was to conduct discussion “Terrorism, the reasons creating it and struggle against it” and to discuss the independence and democracy questions in the world in this context. The organizational questions were also discussed in the meeting, a new chairman and deputies were elected to the structure. The prime-minister of Australia John Howard was elected the chairman of the structure again, the foreign affairs ministry or Norway Yang Peterson the first-deputy, the prime-minister of Greece Kostas Karamanlis and the NIPA leader Etibar Mammadov the deputies. The new headquarters of the structure will be situated in Oslo.
According to the words of Etibar Mammadov, the meeting with the USA president George Bush was held in the White House after the meeting of the structure. “The topic of the meeting was related to development of the democracy in the world. Bush informed that this question is the priority question of USA and wherever they are, they will always protect the democracy. He declared that they will struggle more actively against the governments impeding holding free elections in the non-democratic countries. George Bush noting that the main reason of terrorism is infringement of the democracy, informed that no matter in which part of the world they are situated, the liberation movements can ask USA for support and they will get this support”.
E.Mammadov also noted that USA will pay special attention to the elections to be held in Azerbaijan. E.Mammadov informed that he made speech in connection with the elections to be held in Azerbaijan both in the meeting of the International Democrat Union and the round-table and said that USA noted that it will give all support for holding free and fair elections in Azerbaijan.
E.Mammadov also informed that he held a meeting in the Representatives Chamber in USA and reminded that the resolution # 326 was adopted in the congress in connection with the elections in Azerbaijan on this eve. The NIPA leader stressed that the USA public demonstrated certain position in connection with rescuing the election commissions from the authority of one party and eliminating the limitations created for the observers: “They informed openly that this process is not over and the high-level state representatives of USA will continue visiting Azerbaijan the purpose of all these visits is the same. The state representatives will hold discussions with the government in Azerbaijan for holding free and fair elections and give relevant recommendations. They believe very much that it will be possible to hold democratic elections in Azerbaijan”.
Etibar Mammadov said in the response of the question of APA about whether he gave any presentation about the “Yeni siyaset” bloc in the meeting with the USA president or not that he participated as the NIPA leader in that measure, but not as the representative of “YeS”. In the meeting with the USA president, George Bush expressed his hope on the elections to be held in Azerbaijan to be democratic. “The general view is that this is the last chance for the administration of Azerbaijan to demonstrate its being democratic”. As to the candidates of “YeS”, E.Mammadov informed that this list will be explained recently, and 87 candidates put forward by NIPA will be approved in the result of the discussions.
“We have not finished this process yet. At first, we intended to join the elections with few candidates, and not to impede other blocs. But the administration of the “Azadlig” bloc definitely informed that they will put their candidate from the constituency where he will be the candidate from. Though we reached such an agreement between the blocs that we will not impede each other, they deny it. But I still consider that these blocs can cooperate in improving the election environment, struggle of the commission members against falsification, preventing stealing votes and other questions”.