Yesterday agreement was signed between “Yeni Siyaset” (“YeS”) bloc and Democratic Azerbaijan bloc.

According to the contract, the blocs will collaborate in series fields in parliamentary elections to be held in November of this year. The leaders of the blocs held press conference in the headquarters of “Yes”.
One of the founders of “YeS” Eldar Namazov stated that the agreement was signed as a result of completing the first round between the blocs. The parties will try for free and fair elections, provision of pre-election climate, to eliminate the election violations.
Eldar Namazov addressed to all blocs once more: “We apply to all blocs in opposition to come to an agreement in the matters of principle. Therefore, we define candidates on 80 constituencies to take into consideration the other blocs. But if they do not take us into consideration, and not come to an agreement, we shall define candidates from 45 constituencies”.