A celebration was held on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of forming of the State Border Service (SBS) on the subject “Heydar Aliyev – is the founder of the State Border Service” on Saturday.

The SBS chief, Commander of Border Armies, general-lieutenant Elchin Guliyev and border-guards visited the grave of the late president Heydar Aliyev and Alley of Martyrs before the measure. In the measure held in State Border Service, E.Guliyev spoke about significance of forming the State Border Service and stressed that H.Aliyev has unexampled services in this work. E.Guliyev saying that SBS developed very much and became an unparalleled structure in protecting the borders during 3 years it was formed informed that preparation works are always realized for organizing border protection more reliably.
He said that 14453 border violators were collared during the last 3 years: “9271 operational instructions were fulfilled. In general, contraband in the amount of 24,5 milliard manats and 251 numbers of weapons of different type were revealed and confiscated. More than 11000 cartridges, 225 kg explosive materials, 30 hand grenades, 65 mines, great amount of other weapons and 75,2 kg narcotics were revealed. More than 176 tons of wild narcotic plants were destroyed in the frontier zones”. The measure ended with rewarding the officers serving in the Border Armies.