The Central Election Commission (CEC) started seminar-conferences with the commission members.
APA was informed about it from the press-service of CEC. It is said in the information that according to the demands of the election Code and the president’s decree issued on May 11, 2005, the commission is holding seminar-conferences dedicated to the election to Milli Majlis with the chairmen and members of the Constituency Election commissions, heads of the Precinct Election commissions on August 1-10.The seminar-conferences cover all the regions of the republic.
The CEC members are giving reports on the right of citizens to be elected to Milli Majlis, putting forward candidates on the single-mandate election constituencies, presenting election documents for candidates to be registered during the elections and verifying correctness of presented documents in the seminars. Reports of the chairmen of the Constituency Election commissions on giving elector’s cards and defining more precisely elector’s lists are listened to in the seminar-conferences.
The seminar-conferences serve enlightenment of the members of the lower election commissions and increase their juridical knowledge. Trainings held for the members of the Precinct and Constituency Election commissions have already been completed in 55 Election Constituencies.