The chairman of the “New Opinion” Youth Movement was collared as the suspicious person.

A criminal case under the clause 278th of the Criminal Code (actions directed to seizing or keeping the power by force, and changing the structure of the constitution of the state by force) was raised against him in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic (POR).
This is informed in the special information spread by POR.
It is informed in the information entered APA from the press-service of the Prosecutor’s Office that some forces continue their destructive activity on the eve of the elections. The special service organs of Armenia are especially assiduous in this work. Those structures find helpmates in Azerbaijan and offer them to commit destructive actions for some interests.
According to the information of the structure, the member of the “New Opinion” Youth Movement Osman Alimuradov appealed to POR with an application. It was informed in the appeal that he left for Tbilisi city together with the chairman of the movement Ruslan Bashirli in the instruction of the PFPA(r) chairman Ali Karimli on July 28-29 of 2005. They met with Merabi Jibutia, introducing themselves as the representatives of the democratic forces of Georgia, actually the associates of the special service organs of Armenia Georgi Ispiyan and Vardan there and those persons drawn them into cooperation.
O.Alimuradov presented a videotape given to him by those persons and a receipt about Ruslan Bashirli’s obtaining money to POR: “It was known that the citizen of Georgia Merabi Jibutia arrived in Baku as the representative of the democratic forces of Georgia at the end of June and beginning of July. He met here with the chairman of the “New Opinion” Youth Movement, born in Khanmammadli village of Zardab region in 1978 Ruslan Bashirli who lives in Baku city at present. R.Bashirli, in his turn, introduced Merabi Jibutia to the PFPA(r) chairman Ali Karimli and a private talk was held among them for about an hour. Then Ruslan Bashirli and Osman Alimuradov left for Tbilisi on invitation of Merabi Jibutia”.
It is said in the information that Merabi Jibutia welcomed R.Bashirli and O.Alimuradov in Tbilisi on July 28 and placed them at a hotel. M.Jibutia organized a dinner-party in honor of R.Bashirli on the same day. Armenians arrived from Armenia and living Georgia mostly joined that dinner-party. The meeting of Georgi Ispiryan and Merabi Jibutia was held with R.Bashirli and O.Alimuradov in a flat introduced as an office situated in Tbilisi the next day. R.Bashirli informed in that meeting that the forces represented by him act directly based on the instructions given by the National Democracy Institute of USA, they were given definite instructions by the representatives of this institute for conduct a revolution in Azerbaijan. He also said that the deputy of the PFPA(r) chairman Fuad Mustafayev and coordinator of the “New Opinion” Movement, resident of Baku, born in 1981 Nuriyev Said are passing special training under the protection of the representatives of that institute in Poland at present. G.Ispiryan stressed the importance of carrying out a revolution in Azerbaijan by democratic forces led by Ali Karimli and Ruslan Bashirli after listening to Ruslan. He said that, “democratic forces” of Armenian and Georgia will give thorough support, as well as enough financial allocation to Ali Karimli and Ruslan Bashirli on this purpose. Even, he stated that possibility of violation of the ceasefire in order to cause fear and disappointment among the population, to show incapability of the authority.
Instead of being offended by the statements made by Ispiryan who insulted Azerbaijani people, R.Bashirli touched on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict emphasized proudly that they will remark the occasion with “drinking brandy and having chocolate” in case “democratic forces” come to power. Georgi Ispiryan gave US$ 2 thousand to Ruslan Bashirli and got receipt on this after reaching an initial consensus on fighting against the authority in Azerbaijan together. The sides of criminal relation came to an agreement on giving 2 thousand dollars to Ruslan Bashirli every month and 20 thousand dollars after several days once and for all. Georgi Ispiryan suggested that he can organize shooting in one of the opposition rallies for the violation of stability in Azerbaijan, Ruslan Bashirli agreed to the suggestion. Ruslan Bashirli took memory photograph with Georgi Ispiryan and Merabi Jibutia in the end of the meeting. Georgi Ispiryan and Merabi Jibutia took Ruslan Bashirli and Osman Alimuradov to sauna in Tbilisi and organized their entertainment with immoral women. But Osman Alimuradov refused this suggestion and waited for Ruslan Bashirli in the café outside.
Then person called Vardan told him that, they represent special service bodies of Armenia and their last meetings were video filmed. Vardan said that $2 thousand were given purposely, told that they will further have close cooperation with the democratic forces in Azerbaijan and support financially and the video-films will be transmitted by the TV channels in case they will refuse to cooperate. He gave the copy of the video film of the meeting to Osman Alimuradov and advised him to watch it in Baku. Ruslan Bashirli’s “heroisms” in Tbilisi were reported in some newspapers as if he attended the international conference, met well-known Georgian businessman Georgi Burjanadze. As a matter of fact, this person was Georgi Ispiryan who is well known by R.Bashirli.