Zone workshop-consultation was held in Lenkeran City Culture palace through Central Election Commission (CEC) yesterday.

According to the information given to APA from the press service of executive power of Lenkeran city, the workshop involved the chairmen, secretaries and members of Lenkeran city Constituency # 73, Lenkeran village #74, Lenkeran-Masalli #75 and Lenkeran-Astara # 76, Precinct Election Commissions. Members of CEC Gabil Orujov and Yusif Bagirzade delivered lectures on the themes “The right of being elected as deputy to Milli Majlis (parliament) of citizens of Azerbaijan Republic and nomination of candidates on uni-mandate election constituencies” , “Presentation of election documents for the registration of candidates during the elections to Milli Majlis and examining its correctness”, “Delivering voter’s cards and reports of chairmen of district electoral commissions on making exact voter’s lists”, replied the questions of the audience.