The visit of the president Ilham Aliyev to the south region started yesterday.

According to the information given by the correspondent of APA watching the visit of the president, the head of the state starting his visit from Lenkeran participated in the grand opening ceremony of the monument to the memory of the late president Heydar Aliyev erected in the center of the city. After the opening of the monument the president met the representatives of the public of the city and made a speech. The head of the state stressed the exceptional services of the late president Heydar Aliyev for contemporary Azerbaijan.
The president comparing the existing situation of the country with 1990s informed that all considerable positive changes are the services of H.Aliyev. “The development process going in Azerbaijan shows that we will make our country rich and strong soon” saying I.Aliyev announced the statistics about the development of Azerbaijan. He informed that the volume of the economy of Azerbaijan increased 20 % during first 8 months of 2005. 20 % growth was registered in the industry potential. The president saying that attention to the social fields was more increased and noted as an example that grants of students were increased 2,5 times recently. The president reminded that average wage rapidly increases and the minimum wage was raised 3 times during last two years. According to his words, the minimum wage will be 150.000 manats in the country since 1 October.
The president saying that more than 300 thousand workplaces were opened in the country in the period of realization of the programme of social-economic development of the regions informed that most of these workplaces are permanent. The head of the state said that complex measures for reducing poverty in the country will be continued. I.Aliyev reminded that he had come to the place of the accident when the accident happened in a five-storeyed building in Lenkeran and noted that there are serious problems in the health field in the region as well as in the whole country. He said that hospitals need capital repairs. A modern diagnostic center will be built in the region for this purpose. The president said that he will participate in the ceremony of laying down the foundation of that center. Besides it, he noted that a new air port will be constructed in Lenkeran. According to the words of the president, these steps will result in the development of the economy of the region and improvement of the social condition of the population.
The head of the state informed that the size of the state budget of the next year is predicted to be $ 3,5 milliard when he was announcing the statistics. I.Aliyev said that this is not the complete number, specification is conducted and it is expected that the size of the budget will be more than that predicted number: “As the economic potential of the country strengthens, conducting of political reforms is also speeded”. The President saying in his speech that the first stage of parliamentary elections completed informed that candidacy of more than 2000 persons was registered: “Only 400 candidates participated in parliamentary elections held in 2000. Increase of the number of candidates, means strengthening of the belief for conducting of elections democratically”.
The president expressed his assurance that the new parliament will improve the legislation base: “I promised you in my speech made in the opening of the Olympic Complex in Lenkeran in 2003 that if you give me your confidence, I will try for solving of all your problems. Many of these problems were already solved or being solved”.
I.Aliyev also touched the Nagorno Karbakhconflict in his speech. He said that Azerbaijan support peaceful solution of this conflict and diplomatic talks are continued in this connection. The president informing that diplomatic talks yielded no results yet explained it with non-constructive position of Armenia. He said that although the peace talks are continued, Azerbaijan also pays attention to increasing its military potential. The president saying that the military budget of the country was $ 175 million in 2004 stressed that this number reached $ 300 million this year and added that $ 600 million will be allocated from the state budget for military purposes next year: “The enemy must know that the army of Azerbaijan is able to release its lands any time”. Then the president participated in the ceremony of laying down the foundation of the Lenkeran Medical Diagnostic Center. Information about the project of the center was given before the ceremony. The president getting acquainted with the reconstruction works of the airport in the Lenkeran Air Port also visited the city stadium which construction continues. Construction of the stadium having capacity of audience of 15 thousand will be completed in December.
$15 million will be spent for construction of this stadium. The president ended his visit to Lenkeran with participating in the opening ceremony of the Hirkan National Park. The mentioned park is situated between the Lenkeran and Astara administrative territorial unites. Lenkeran acacia, chestnut-leaf oak and other perennial and rare trees are protected in the territory of the park. Besides it, leopard, Caucasian deer, roe, Tallish pheasant and other rare animals are protected in the park.
Then the president visited Astara region. The visit of I.Aliyev to Astara started with participation in the ceremony of laying down the foundation of the power station of module type. The president of the “Azerenergy” Stock Company Etibar Pirverdiyev gave information about the technical characteristics of the station.
Then I.Aliyev made a speech before the public of Astara. He informed in his speech that supplying the regiosn with electric energy is the main part of the state programme. Then the president participated in the opening ceremonies of the Astara Gas Compressor station, cannery situated in Cholmughan village. The visit of the president continues.