PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteur on Azerbaijan, Estonian parliamentarian Andres Herkel told APA in his exclusive statement. He informed that, the sitting of PACE Bureau was held in Paris on 9 January:”I missed that sitting but other co-rapporteur Andreas Gross made a speech in the gathering.
According to Gross, there is great likelihood that the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan will be included into the agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly”. Calling the post-election situation in Azerbaijan “problematic”, A.Herkel said that the co-rapporteurs have not completed their reports on the elections yet.
Answering the question when the document will be ready, the co-rapporteur said that if the issue is included into the agenda he alongside with A.Gross can complete their reports till the session.
The co-rapporteur also added they will not visit Azerbaijan until the session of PACE: ”We are likely to visit Azerbaijan to hold monitoring of the re-elections in February”.