"But I have to say that during my two visits (in June and last weeks) in the South Caucasus, all the authorities I spoke with in three countries and two regions: they all were very sure and assured me that within there territory no missing were held in capture. However, if there is concrete evidence, then it should be investigated," Leo Platvoet, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) rapporteur for missing persons told the APA in an interview.
The rapporteur said he was for a fact finding mission in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and last week he visited Nagorno Karabakh and Abkhazia. "I have enough information now for writing my report."
Mr.Platvoet said seeking for missing persons is not in his mandate. "I cannot seek my self for missing persons. That's the responsibility of the authorities in good cooperation with international organizations. The meaning and goal of my report is to create the conditions under which the International Red Cross can implement their mechanism for finding the missings. Cooperation between all stakeholders is a basic condition."
The rapporteur said in his report, he will recommend the authorities and all stakeholders work together to implement the mechanism of the International Red Cross in finding missing persons.
"It's very needed that all stakeholders work together in order to implement the mechanism of the International Red Cross in finding missing persons. I also spoke about the need to stay away as far as possible from politics and concentrate on the humanitarian issue. Everybody agreed on this issues and I think this is very important. It was very clear that the families of the missing understood very well that there is a common sadness on each side and that cooperation is needed," he underlined.