The value of Iran's economic projects increased remarkably in 2009.

Iran's planned and underway economic projects in 2009 stood at $313 billion showing $27 billion over 2008, Middle East Business Intelligence (MEED) reported.
While the global crisis greatly overshadowed the Persian Gulf's Arab states in 2009, Iran's planned and underway economic projects witnessed a 9.5 percent growth, MEED reported.
According to the report, the value of the projects stood at $286 billion early 2009, but the figure increased to $313 billion by the end of the year.
Among the 6 Arabian countries of the southern part of Persian Gulf, only Bahrain and Qatar have growth in their projects and the rest ones witnessed remarkable decreases in the value of their economic projects.
The value of planned and underway projects in the United Arab Emirates in 2009 witnessed 21 percent fall standing at $967 billion.
In Saudi Arabia, the projects reached $616 billion showing 0.3 percent fall.
In Kuwait and Oman the projects decreased 11 percent and 2 percent standing at $268 billion and $104 billion, respectively.
The value of economic projects in Bahrain and Qatar increased 5 percent and 3 percent in 2009 standing at $67 billion and $229 billion, respectively.
Total value of the projects in the 6 mentioned countries decreased from $2,548 billion early 2009 to $2257 billion late 2009 showing 11 percent fall.