Turkey says the ruling contained preconditions and restrictive provisions which impair the letter and spirit of the protocols.

Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that reasoned
decision of the Armenian Constitutional Court, regarding Turkey-Armenia
protocols signed on October 10, 2009, contained preconditions and
restrictive provisions which impair the letter and spirit of the
Releasing a statement, the ministry said, "the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia has declared its
decision of constitutional conformity on the Protocols between Turkey
and Armenia signed on 10 October 2009 with a short statement on 12
January 2010. The Constitutional Court has recently published its
grounds of decision. It has been observed that this decision contains
preconditions and restrictive provisions which impair the letter and
spirit of the Protocols."
"The said decision undermines the
very reason for negotiating these Protocols as well as their
fundamental objective. This approach cannot be accepted on our part,"
the statement said.
The statement said, "Turkey, in line with
its accustomed allegiance to its international commitments, maintains
its adherence to the primary provisions of these Protocols. We expect
the same allegiance from the Armenian Government."
/World Bulletin/