While Iran is still awaiting for the West's response to a proposed deal for nuclear swap, France urges the UN to adopt "strong measures" against Iran to solve the nuclear row through talks.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy claimed on Friday that Iranian officials would engage in meaningful discussion about the country's nuclear energy program, should the UN adopt strong measures against Tehran.
In an address to diplomats based in France, Sarkozy also called on the European Union to "assume its responsibilities" in putting Tehran under pressure to persuade the country to enter negotiations.
"To hesitate or to prevaricate in the face of such an issue would carry with it a great weight of responsibility," Sarkozy said.
"The only aim of sanctions is to lead Iran to the negotiating table," he added.
Under a UN-brokered proposal discussed in mid-October, the US, France and Russia asked Iran to send most of its domestically-produced low enriched uranium abroad to be converted into more refined fuel for the Tehran research reactor that produces medical isotopes.
Tehran has not accepted the proposal, asking the other side for guarantees that the fuel would be delivered to Iran. The West, however, has refused to allay Iran's concerns.
The meeting of six world powers in New York on Saturday to discuss a new round of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program did not go as the White House had hoped.
Russia on Friday joined China in calling for more diplomacy on Iran, warning against imposing fresh sanctions against the country's nuclear energy section.
"If our logic is to punish Iran, or if we take up the posture of the offended ... this will not be a sober approach," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters.
However, Sarkozy said that it was high time the international community drew the consequences of Iran's refusal.
"Despite all our efforts, and a new engagement by the United States, and despite our ambitious proposals for cooperation, the Iranian authorities are blocked in a one-way street of proliferation and radicalism," Sarkozy said.
"France wants the (UN Security) Council to adopt strong measures and for the European Union as well to assume its responsibilities," he said.
/Press TV/