Turkey has been elected the chair of the United Nations' Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations.

Turkey will hold the post for the next two years. Ramis Sen, first secretary to the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations, will chair the committee.
The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations is a standing committee of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The committee has 19 members who are elected on the basis of equitable geographical representation: 5 members from African States; 4 members from Asian States; 2 members from Eastern European States; 4 members from Latin American and Caribbean States; and 4 members from Western European and other States.
Angola, Burundi, China, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guinea, India, Israel, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Sudan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States are current members.
/World Bulletin/