Inspectors could also issue an order for the destruction of the products in case they fail to pass residue tests.

The European Commission has moved to implement a tighter regime for the control of pesticide residue from a number of fresh vegetables and fruits imported from Turkey, head of a local exporters' union said Monday.
The new EU regulation, which took effect on January 25, requires a 10 percent inspection quota in each shipment of fresh pepper, squash, tomato and pear, the union head said.
The regulation allows inspectors to take samples from one out of every ten trucks and send them to laboratory as well as to hold trucks under custody at custom gates pending test results.
Inspectors could also issue an order for the destruction of the products in case they fail to pass residue tests.
"This regulation will cast a blow on our exports and it means at least a three-day delay. This regulation makes impossible for us to sell our products to supermarkets in Europe," said Mustafa Satici, chairman of Antalya Union of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Exporters.
/World Bulletin/