Nine more Iranian protestors are to be executed soon, the Fars news agency on Tuesday quoted the deputy head of the country's judiciary as saying.

Ebrahim Raaisi said the nine were linked to counter-revolutionary groups and planned to topple the Islamic regime, and would therefore soon be executed, DPA reported.
The death sentences against the nine were issued on Thursday but the defendants' lawyers appealed the initial verdict.
The nine were arrested in recent months during protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's allegedly tainted re-election.
The suspects are accused of being members of monarchist groups and the People's Mujaheddin, a group that Iran designates as a terrorist organization.
Two opposition protestors, reportedly from monarchist groups, were hanged last week. They had been charged with planning to topple Iran's Islamic regime.
Iranian authorities, especially the judiciary, said they distinguish between supporters of local opposition groups that believe in the Islamic regime but oppose Ahmadinejad, and those who are against the whole system.
According to Iran, both the People's Mujaheddin and the monarchists have their bases outside the country and are labelled "mercenaries" of the world powers - mainly the United States and Britain.
Observers said they believe other members of non-local groups would also face death sentences on the Islamic charge of mohareb, or enmity with God.