Turkish ambassador to Israel reportedly asked to leave Israel after Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon's insult to him, a report said.

Ayalon who summoned Ahmet Oguz Celikkol to express Israel's uneasiness over a Turkish TV-series showing Israeli agents kidnapping a child, had Celikkol sit at a lower armchair in front of a table with only the Israeli flag on it, denying him an handshake in front of the press.
Israeli media quoted Jewish Army Radio as reporting on Tuesday "he has asked his superiors in Ankara to transfer him to a new posting"
Ayalon's snub violating all diplomatic manners drew strong reaction from Turkish officials, and strained relations to the point of breaking.
The report said, "that Turkish diplomatic chiefs had confirmed receipt of his request."
"The envoy is now expected to be posted to a major European capital", the report said.
The diplomatic crisis ended when Israel officialls apologised with a letter after repeated calls from Turkey which warned otherwise that it would withdraw its ambassador.
"Jerusalem is thus awaiting an official announcement from Turkey, as well the identity of the new ambassador to replace Celikkol", the local reports said.
/World Bulletin/