An international conference “Youth Forum of the South Caucasus: Concept of NATO’s new strategy: what is our role?” is to open in Yerevan on Feb. 4.

Experts from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey have arrived in Armenia to take part in the conference at the invitation of the Armenian Atlantic Association, one of the organizers of the event.
British Ambassador to Armenia Charles Lonsdale will make a welcoming speech at the conference.
Neving Rudskjær, Project Manager, Norwegian Atlantic Committee, and Tevan Poghosyan, Executive Director of the Armenian Atlantic Association, will speak at the conference as well.
Keynote addresses will be given by representatives of Armenian government agencies, NATO information offices in Yerevan and Tbilisi and a number of Armenian and foreign experts.
The 2-day-long conference has been organized with the support of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee.