Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili believes that in many aspects Georgia overtook and surpassed Ukraine.

The statement was made last evening at the meeting with parliamentary majority.
He added that Ukraine' positions deteriorated over the 5 years as the ruling team failed to stay united.
"There was no unity in the government of Ukraine, and therefore all these years were spent in constant chaos, crisis and street actions," the Georgian leader explained.
In his view, "Russia wants to make the same chaos and crisis in Georgia."
Saakashvili said that when he came to power, income per capita in Georgia amounted USD 890 and was twice as small as in Ukraine.
Now it exceeds USD 2930, whereas in Ukraine remains within USD 2,700.
According to his data, Georgia is 11th in the Eastern Europe in the rank of business climate, Russia is 120th, Ukraine - 142nd.
In the ranks of economic freedom Georgia is the 1st, Ukraine - 133rd, Russia 134th , he added.
Georgia is in the top in progress in fighting corruption, Ukraine occupies lowest positions.
Yet Saakashvili claimed ready to support previous normal relations regardless of results of presidential elections.
He explained Georgian government has friends and partners in both staffs.
/Georgia Times/