By Azernews
By Laman Ismayilova
Sunny weather is expected in Baku on June 4. South-west wind will blow.
Temperature will be from +20°C to +24°C at night and +31°C+36°C in the daytime in Absheron and +22°C to +24°C at night and +33°C+35°C in the daytime in Baku.
Air pressure will be 760 mm mercury column. Relative humidity will be 65-75% at night and 40-50% in the daytime, the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry reported.
Weather conditions on Absheron beaches, south-west wind will blow on northern beaches (Sumgayit, Novkhani, Pirshaghi, Nardaran, Bilgah, Zagulba).
The sea water temperature will be 19-20°C. South-west wind will blow on south beaches (Turkan, Hovsan, Sahil, Shikh).The temperature of sea water will be 21-22°C.
Rain is expected in some mountainous regions at night. Lightning and hail are predicted. Mist will be observed in some places in the morning.
West wind will intensify occasionally in some places. Temperature will be from +17°C to +22°C at night, from +33°C to +38°C in the daytime, in mountains from +15°C to + 20°C at night, and from +23°C to +28°C in the daytime.