By Azernews
By Laman Ismayilova
Changeable cloudy and foggy weather is expected in Baku on November 7. South-west wind will blow.
The temperature on the Absheron peninsula will be 9-13 °C at night, 15-18 °C in the daytime.
In Baku, the temperature will be 10-12 °C at night and 16-18 °C in the daytime, the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry reported.
The atmospheric pressure will be above the norm 766 mm mercury column. Relative humidity will reach 70-80 percent at night and 55-65 percent in the daytime.
The weather will be mainly rainless in country's regions. Fog will be observed at night and in the morning. West wind will blow.
The temperature will be 5-10 °C at night, 17-22 °C in the daytime, in the mountains 1-6 °C at night, 10-15 °C in the daytime.
As for the medical-meteorological forecast, the temperature close to the climatic norm and weak hesitation of meteorological factors are favorable for meteo-sensitive people.