By Azernews
By Laman Ismayilova
Snow is expected in Baku on December 24. Mild north-west wind will blow.
The temperature will be -2C to +2 °C at night, +3-6 °C in the daytime.
The temperature will be -1C to +1C at night, +3-5 °C in the daytime in Baku. The atmospheric pressure will rise from 766 mm Hg to 770 mm Hg. Relative humidity will reach 80-90 percent.
Snow is expected in the regions. It will be foggy in some places. West wind will intensify in some areas.
The temperature will be -4C to +1C at night, +3-7 °C in the daytime, -8°C to -13°C in the mountains at night, -15°C to -20°C in the highlands, -2°C to -7°C in the daytime.