Mr. Mardanov updated the guests on the works done in country in the field of higher education in accordance with regiments of Bologna process, carrying out of accreditation and passing to crediting system. Significant steps were made for realization of the project in the frame of the European Union's TEMPUS program.
Noting that Azerbaijan stands ready for close cooperation with the European Association for Education Law and Policy, Mardanov expressed gratitude for rendered assistance in the appropriate project.
Ian de Groff highly appraised the steps made in the Republic to integrate in the European higher education system. Noting the necessity of continuation of these works, he also emphasized importance of taking into account the European standards during accreditation of the higher educational institutions, and in particular, provision of transparency as major aspect.
Questions of accreditation, licensing and organizing of trainings for staff engaged in application of credit system were also discussed, AzerTAg informs.