The Ministry told APA that unidentified Iranian citizens, who introduced themselves as Safar Mammadali, Behnam, Azerbaijani citizen Ayaz Aliyev, residents of Nakhchivan province - Abbasali Bayramov, Elsevar Mustafayev and Mirheydar Taghiyev smuggled great deal of narcotic drugs from Iran for sale in Azerbaijan.
Ayaz Aliyev turned out to have acted in concert with Iranians Safar, Mammadali and Behnam when he was in Iran in mid April this year, and they agreed to smuggle great deal of illicit drugs to Azerbaijan and sale them in St.Petersburg in Russia.
Taghiyev and Bayramov also ordered the above-mentioned Iranians to send great amount of illicit drugs to Azerbaijan. Safar and Mammadali handed narcotic drugs-more than 18 kg of hashish and 150 gr. of heroine to Azerbaijani Musatafayev, who was carrying fuel materials to Nakhchivan from Baku by his own truck, in Aslanduz in Iran on 2 May.
Mustafayev hided the drugs in a special place in his truck marked MAZ. He managed to smuggle it through customs in Bilasuvar and arrived in Yenikand village in Salyan region on 4 May.
The said illicit drugs were confiscated from Musafayev during searching. Criminal case was launched under articles 206.4 (smuggling of illicit drugs), 234.4.1 and 234.4.3 of Azerbaijan's Criminal Code. Musatafayev, Taghiyev, Bayramov, Aliyev have been arrested as accused.