As APA reports, 4 year student of the university Elnur Mammadov has stated that 65 students joined the action. Since health of 5 students deteriorated, they were taken to their homes. Open wound was discovered in the stomachs of – Sarvan Aliyev, Shamo Badalov and Anar Guliyev. Despite this, those people have not stopped the action. Elnur Mammadov complained of right defenders' and state organizations' carelessness to them.
"We applied to all right defenders when launched this action. But no one of them has concerned us so far. Because, they work only for grants," Elnur Mammadov said that only this morning MP Panah Huseynov visited them.
3 year student of History faculty Aynur Gurbanova complained of the condition in the room where action is held.
"Rector of the university Abbas Mustafa ordered that no bedding can be taken to the building. 2 days before Abbas Mustafayev came at 2.00 p.m and demanded to stop the action, and said that he will not let it to last longer."
The other student Khalid Garayev complained of carelessness of TV, especially PTV. 4th year student Senan Gulaliyev has stated that as the sanitary system of the room is in bad condition death case might happen there any time.
Students told that dean of the university Sahib Ojagov also make psychological pressure to them. Elnur Mammadov said that Education Ministry associate visited them yesterday; Vahabov said that for students of 3rd and 4th years Ministry of Education will provide condition for their study and graduation from the university. He stated the main problem is with 1700 students studying in the 2nd course.
"We do not believe promises, but decision. If there is any decision let them present it to us, then we shall stop the action, and University leadership not using from our name hold talks."
It was impossible to learn the position of Abbas Abbasov, rector of IAU.